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Name Plates

Being an educator myself, I know first hand how much work these people put into their livelihood. They truly care for other people, and strive to make the world a better place using their gifts. So get them something as special as they are with this handcrafted name plate for their desk/room/cart/space! PLUS, if you are a teacher yourself, let us know and get a SPECIAL price!

Each name plate is design from ANY front, including their own handwriting, then carved on the Scroll Saw. It's then fastened to the based and sealed using a spray shellac.


Mr. Marum's plate is carved in the font High Tower Text and stained in the shade Golden Oak


Ms. Morin's plate is carved in the font Autumn in November and stained in the shade Honey


Ms. Griffin's plate is carved in the font High Tower Text and stained in the shade Provincial


Mx. Hanson's plate is carved in their handwriting and stained in the shade Light Ginger

Mr. Goguen's plate is carved in the font High Tower Text Caps and stained in the shade Provincial

Ms. Arciprete's plate is carved in the font Autumn in November and stained in the shade Sedona Red


Ms. Collin's plate is carved in the font Affectionately Yours and stained in the shade Honey


Miss Arego's plate is carved in the font Autumn in November and stained in the shade Black Cherry


Mr. Meigs' plate is carved in the font Georgia and stained in the shade Sedona Red


Ms. Holladay's plate is carved in the font Cinzel Bold and stained in the shade Provincial


Ms. Pullano's plate is carved in the font Autumn in November Bold and stained in the shade Honey


Ms. Krasner's plate is carved in the font Autumn in November and stained in the shade Provincial


Miss Suess' plate is carved in the font Autumn in November and stained in the shade Honey


Ms. Urquhart's plate is carved in the font Cinzel Bold, stained in the shade Red Mahogany, and sports the minimalist slim base!


Ms. Hardy's plate is carved in the font Garamond and stained in the shade True Black


Mr. Chris's plate is carved in the font Affectionately Yours, stained in the shade Ebony, and includes a Mickey Mouse accent!


Ms. Kiely's plate is carved in the font Affectionately Yours and stained in the shade White Frost


Miss Root's plate is carved in the font Spinweard, stained in the shade Ebony, and also sports the minimalist slim base!

We love our Veterinarians, Doctors, Office Workers, all other workers, too!
Order for anyone!


Dr. Lowe's plate is carved in the font Georgia and stained in the shade Sedona Red.

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