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Fiber Arts

Using the fleece collected from our flock, we have begun to dabble in all things fiber art!


There are so many avenues to take: from spinning, to needle felting, to dying, and so much more!



Our first adventure was in spinning, and it has quickly become an obsession! 


The options for yarn you can create while spinning are endless; whether it's fine thread, chunky art yarn, or a new type you create, spinning is a satisfying and meditative practice!


We own a Schacht Ladybug Travel wheel, and we highly recommend it for beginning spinners!

Drum Carding

Carding is a process where the fiber becomes untangled and is put going the same direction. It creates things like batts , rolags, and roving to provide material for other fiber arts. But using a drum carder, a machine where one can more easily perform this process, is a craft in and of itself!


Using our Louet 72 tpi Drum Carder, we not only process material to create, but we also practice blending colors, different kinds of fiber, and being more bold in our creativity!

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The essence of dying is experimentation: to try, fail, and succeed!


There's not faster way to learn color theory: you have to take into account how dyes interact with materials, how the base color will affect the end outcome, so many things. But there's also nothing quite as satisfying. 


Dying is a great gateway craft to multiple other crafts, including fiber arts. You can dye yarn, locks, clothing, roving, the options are vast! 


We use both liquid and powder dyes from Rit

Needle Felting

Ever feel like getting your frustrations out by stabbing something thousands of time?

Then boy do I have the craft for you!


Needle felting is taking a barbed needle and felt fiber onto itself. You can create both 2D and 3D objects, but the fundamental act of making tiny stabs remain!


This is our newest venture, and it's SO fun! I highly recommend it, especially for kids! Here's the very first thing I needle felted: a little Kirby figurine!

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